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Lamp Project

Design brief:
Design and prototype a lamp for a friend or family.

I will be designing a lamp for my mum. I choose my mum because of her creative mind, the ability to speak the truth, and give constructive feedback. Julie, my mum will not be gentle in her opinion. I value these things and know they will help me learn and grow as a designer as I design a lamp for her. My mum is planning on renovating her room and thought this would be a great opportunity for both her and myself to get something valuable out of this project.

100 Lamp Project: Headliner

Design Statement

Julie, my mum, needs a way to read her book on the same coach as her husband is watching a movie on because she wants to spend more time with him and doesn’t want to feel left out. 
Mum needs a versatile lamp that can constantly be styled differently and positioned differently because Mum likes to change the layout and positioning of objects and ornaments in the house.


Screen Shot 2020-05-15 at 6.51.25 PM.png
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Visualisation Prototype


Story board

This is your Image Description paragraph. It’s a great place to add a description of the image displayed in this section, and a few more words about your business, your site or what you do. Use a friendly and conversational tone to engage as many users as possible!



Specification Prototype


Mum asked for a lamp that allows her to read her book on the couch while her partner watches an action movie. This is what the lamp will allow her to do, this is one of the strengths of the lamp. In the interview I picked up some ideas of what her style looks like, my mum, and I think they have been successfully represented through the lamp. She wanted the lamp to have different functions. An art piece and a reading light. This is created successfully through the shutters in the lampshade. One of the most successful aspects of the lamp is that the lamp is solar-powered. Mum asked for the lamp to not to rely on a power cord/power source. The idea of a solar-powered lamp was perfect, as the positions in the house where the lamp could be placed had a source of direct sunlight at some point in the day. Another successful part of the lamp is the versatility when it comes to stylising the lamp because of the simplicity and the space between the two frames. 

To improve the lamp I think it could be more technologically advanced. The lamp could interact with the other lights in the house. Turn on when the others turn off and vice versa. Technical improvements like this will make aspects of the lamp more efficient and convenient. The lamp could definitely be improved by having a more convenient way of opening and closing the shutters on the lampshade. Currently it is a matter of opening them one by one. This is time-consuming for the user. A way of improving this could be changing the function through an app on your phone or a leaver, button, or switch in the lamp that opens and closes the shutters.


Overall I think the lamp is successful, as it achieves what my mum asked for and does so in a simple and versatile way.

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