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Designing with Data

Animated Gif

21.3% of children under the age of five are stunted, according to the sustainable development goals. That is approximately 1-5 children under the age of five. It is heartbreaking to hear children are being stunted because of the lack of nutrition there are exposed to. Hearing about this statistic made me feel grateful and I struggle to imagine what life would be like now only consuming minimal nutrition in the first five years of my life. I intend for my Gif to raise awareness of the poverty and hunger that takes place in many parts of the world. These children are being set back in their first five years on this planet. Before they can even make decisions for themselves they are disadvantaged against the other large 82.7% who have access to a healthy amount of nutrition. This sustainable development goal I hope gets reached as these children have no control over what happens in the first five years of their life, especially being starved from basic nutrition. (5).gif
240 Design With Data: Image

Loop State


21.3% of children are stunted under the age of five. 39% of these children live in Africa. 58.7 million children in Africa are stunted because of malnutrition. The number of people in extreme poverty in Africa is one of the largest in the world. Living costs are going up and the population is growing cause malnutrition. A large number of children and pregnant women in Africa are eating low nutritious grains. Globalization meant too many are overdependent on staple food. This does not have the right nutrient for infants and pregnant women. There is no vitamin A and iron which is important for an infant to consume in the first 1000 days of conception. My intent is to inform why is there an issue if stunted children. A problem is hard to be solved when the cause of the problem is unknown. A stunted child is affected for a lifetime. The brain of the children will be underdeveloped and the child is unable to reach its full potential. The child becomes variable to infection and diseases as well as having a higher risk of obesity. (6).gif

For our last DES240 Assignment, we built on the technical and visual communication strategies from previous assignments. Operating in pairs, developed a simple interactive experience that seeks to inform the 'user' how they can play a role in changing the status quo of your statistic (more on the statistic below). Operating as a duo, we once again undertook an iterative design process experimenting with various interaction design strategies.


A stunted child can not be cured, however it can be prevented. It can be prevented by giving children access to the right variety of nutrition. The power of nutrition is underestimated and needs to be brought to more people's attention. A children's life can change dramatically with the right nutrition. The child will become less vulnerable to infections and diseases. The child would be engaged in school and have a family. Women would have fewer mess carriages and fewer children. Generally, the child's brain and muscles will be developed. A child that consumes the right nutrition in the first 1000 days of contraception will earn three times more pay in their future job. The global issue of stunted children has the largest economic return. 1 dollar donated is followed by $35 dollars return to the world economy in the larger picture. 

If people knew what the impact of their single dollar could achieve, we hope that more people would give. 

We intend for our interaction to encourage people to give and donate to organisations that support children and pregnant women by giving them the nutrition they need to grow and develop. 


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